Laundry Ironer padding for chest ironers and presses, also called ironer felt cater for all kinds of ironer machine temperature. Tailor-made high strength base cloth and choose good material is needled by heavy machinery and on high temperature heat setting finishing.
Our padding raw material is from DuPont, material are durable, small shrinkaging rate, breathe freely, anti decomposition, for all flax type to result on excellent ironing , which are suitable for all kinds of flatwork ironer working temperature which are use steam, gas and oil heating medium.
100% Polyester Padding is suitable for steam ironer heating process, 100% special polyester fiber and 200gr/m2 companion scrims, our polyester ironer felt weight 1000gr/m2 which is suitable for pressure less than 8 bar and temperature lower than 160 °c.
50% Nomex and 50% Polyester Ironing Felt is suitable for the steaming machine whose pressure is up to 8 bar to 10 bar.If the working temperature is under 190°c, it can use for like boiler that uses steam, electricity and gas.
100% Nomex Felt is suitable for gas heating process (gas-fired boiler), the temperature is up to 200°c-260°c which is combined of 100% aramid fiber and companion scrims, our nomex ironer padding weight is 28OZ ( 800g).
PTFE Aramid fabric felt for ironing,,
PTFE is extremely chemically resistant and abrasion resistant, ideal for high-quality ironing machine equips, 800 g/m² PTFE/aramide consists of PTFE fabric above and the 100% aramide base fabric. Steel-gray surface
extension of the service life. Insensitive to dirt, particularly chemically resistant in the acid and alkaline range, self-contained lubrication reduces the use of wax powder, reduction of roller friction in the chest.
Width: 3.3m,3.6, 3.8m, 4.0m, 4.3, ect.
Length: Cut as required
Weight: 800g/m2 |
4000gr/m2 to 4200gr/m2 (one turn) monoturn Ironer Padding One Wrap Felts are the thick needled felts
thickness about 18mm to 22mm, weight from 4000gr/m2 to 4200gr/m2, it is applied in one turn on top of the individual springs of heated chest ironers, our one turn ironer padding are
suitable for a variety of commercial ironer machine brands. It is made of 100% polyester , meta-nomex/polyester , 100% nomex(aramid).
Available Ironer padding felts: JENSEN ironer padding, LAPAUW ironer padding, Primus ironer felt, Alliance ironer padding, Kannegiesser ironer padding, Image ironer padding,BMM ironer padding,IPSO ironer felt, etc.
Item No. |
Ironer Padding type |
Working temperature |
Ironer heating medium |
Other Called |
L-011 |
100%Polyester ironing padding
1000gsm |
Below 160°c |
steam heating ironer |
Ironing felt, ironing blanket,
Flatwork ironing padding |
50%Nomex 50%polyester ironing pading
Around 190°c
steam, electricity and gas heating ironer |
100%Nomex ironing padding
28OZ (800g)
200°c to 260°c |
oil heating ironer |
L-013 PTFE |
PTFE aramid ironer felt |
28OZ (800g) |
Thick (one turn)
monotonous ironing padding
4000gsm to 6000g/m2
(arond 20mm-22mm) |
According to material
20mm ironing padding |